Tuesday, August 7, 2007

.::A Fallen Soul::.

James *Bulldog* Jerome Spence

Today is a gloomy day for everyone I know in Portland...

Last night (this morning) at 1am, My friend Paul took my dear friend James downtown to drop him off.

Just moments later, *Bulldog* was shot in the head, and rushed to the hospital with life threatening injuries.

I didn't hear this terrible news until I received a text from Carl at 6pm today at work.

It was hard to work the rest of the day knowing I wanted to break down and cry and rush to the hospital to support him.

I have so much love for ALL of my friends, and having something like this happen to someone you love and care for is just tragic! :'(

I'm overwhelmed with emotion.

I haven't heard full status of his passing, so I personally am going to believe he's still fighting.

But my mother told me the family took him off life support around 6pm tonight.

If he has passed: Rest In Peace my brotha, we all love you so very much!

May a new and wonderful journey start for you!

There was a last minute candle vigil where he got shot on 10th & Salmon tonight at 10pm. It was so amazing to see that so many people came out for this to support. I know there could have been more had it not been last minute, but there will be support for him if and when they have services.

I am thinking of writing something to say at the service. I really need to let people know that although this man may have had some fucked up past issues, he was and is still very loved, and made a huge impact on the scene with his jolliness, and smiles!


I am greatyly saddened by this.

This month has been "Trying" and "Overwhelming".



*song of the moment: Incubus - Nice to Know you

"Perspective pries your once weighty eyes and it gives you wings,
I haven't felt the way I feel today
In so long it's hard for me to specify
I'm beginning to notice how much this feels
Like a waking limb, pins and needles, nice to know you
Goodbye, nice to know you
Goodbye, nice to know you
Deeper than the deepest Cousteau would ever go
And higher than the heights of what we often think we know"

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