A relationship so strong, and bonded by such intense emotion, but yet pushing itself away from the intense amount of fear that is there.
I'm in love with a light.............
That's all I can say; and I don't much know how to explain it in any other way.
The light is strong, kind hearted, and warm. Yet totally afraid of the dark that might lye ahead........ which in any case... any light should be afraid... right?
The light is the biggest inspiration (next to my best friend) that I have in my life.
It's understandibly hard to make sense of the direction it may take me in.
I'm scared... feeling alone, and completely seperated. But when I stand in the light it heals me, makes me feel like I am human again.
I'm afraid it's going to hold me back from exploring "THE ME".
I guess only time will tell what this light will light up in my life.
Either way... I am escaping to Hawaii!