Thursday, July 19, 2007

.::Photos to share, that I absolutely adore::.

Julya & I for my birthday July 2007

Aydin & I for my birthday July 2007

1st Beach Party w/Jahnji Spinning 2004

A couple of my Turtles when they were still young.

1st boat Party, Arron and I

This robot hit on me.... he was hot!

Me and my June Bug Friend @ the beach party 2005
My Bunny Lop "Lopness Monster" RIP 1/06
She was the most amazing creature I ever held! :(
This is what Elroy does when he wants
Soak 2005, Cheshyre (HA HA) & Carl
Beach Party 2006, See.. Wrestling is a Natural out there!
Bass Kittens @ The Beach 2006
Love Kittens! Elroy & Bean
My Brothers foot @ The Air Show 2006
2006 @ the Stormy Beach in the Winter!

Jabba the Frog, My Marine Toad. 2007A beautiful stray I took care of: Elle 2004
Cletus (Under) & Elmo barely turned frogs I raised...
Elmo climbing around for the first time out of water. 2004

There are sooooo many more that I will be making a photo album for.


*song of choice: Buju Banton - Keep & Care*

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