Sunday, July 22, 2007

.::Bridge 2 Nowhere::.

Last night was so fantastically amazing!

The Bridge to Nowhere party....

I wasn't booked to play, but for some reason I had an idea that I would be anyways. Good thing all my tracks are still on Q's computer. Plus I dropped my new track I made yesterday.

The party was minimal as far as attendance goes, but it was all the super close homies. And a ton of us that are moving to Maui this year. WOOT!

Zack was there, and I haven't seen him in a long time. He totally gave me the run down on Hawaii, and offered to get a house with me, and a job over in Maui.
I'm really excited now. He's an amazing person, and I can't wait to move there to start building a better friendship with him.

I plan to leave November 15th, if don't get the flight attendant job I want.
I have a hold back as well.... this awesome friend of mine.... I will miss him so much if I move.

There was an Elk at the Bridge, that let me pet him, kiss him, & hold him. Such an amazing powerful creature. I fell in love.
I have photos of him.

Here is a link to The Bridge Photos!